Wednesday, January 25, 2012

85 million iCloud Users

Apple: 85 million users now using iCloud, ‘strategy for the next decade’

Apple is discussing its record numbers from Q1 2012 in a live call occurring right now. During the call, Apple’s SVP and CFO Peter Oppenheimer revealed that in only three months, 85 million users are now using iCloud. That is 5o million more iCloud accounts than iPhone 4S’s sold. Impressive.

How important is iCloud?  Cook’s remarks:

    I think Peter shared earlier the number of customers that had signed up for iCloud, and it’s already over 85 million, so it’s incredible that this has happened in just a few months’ period of time. We’re thrilled with it, and the response from customers has been incredible. It’s solved a lot of problems that customers were having and made their lives much much easier.    It was a fundamental shift recognizing that people had numerous devices and they wanted the bulk of their content in the cloud and easily accessible from all of their devices, and you know, I think we’re seeing the response from that. With 85 million customers in just three months, it is a very very important part — it’s not just a product, it’s a strategy for the next decade.

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