Showing posts with label Google Music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Google Music. Show all posts

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Get to Know Your Google Music Keyboard Shortcuts

If you've taken a look at the official Google Music launch and think it may be your new music player of choice, you'll probably be spending a lot of time with it. Which means you'll want to get to know its shortcuts!

Like any good Google app, Google Music has plenty of 'em, and they're all accessible for your viewing pleasure at any time by pressing "?". The hits:
  •     Space bar to play/pause
  •     Right/left arrows for next/previous songs
  •     Shift+ right/left arrows to seek forward and backward in the song (like fast forward/rewind
  •     / to focus the search box
  •     p to create a new playlist
  •     i to make an instant mix from the current song

You get the idea. Like we said, you can peruse all the shortcuts at any time by pressing "?". And while you're learning the shortcuts, check out my Music Plus extension, which adds a popup controller, notifications, scrobbling, and plenty more goodies to Google's new music player.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Google Music Allows Current Users to Invite Their Friends

Today, Google Music has opened up invites so current users can invite their friends. Currently you get two invites and they'll appear in an orange bar (see above) when you log into your account.

Clicking on the bar will bring up a panel that'll let you enter the email address of the person you'd like to invite. Just click "Send invite" and your friends can join in.

After you send the invite, if your friends need some help getting to know Google Music just send them over to our first look at the service

Monday, July 4, 2011

Play Songs with Google Music Chrome Extension

Google Music is a beta service from Google which is currently available only in United States. This un-official extension for Google music lets you to play, pause, skip, reverse, shuffle, repeat songs in Google music by just tapping a click from the address bar icon without going to the Google music page.

Google Music chrome extension allows you to access Google music from the Chrome address bar without going to the actual page. It lets you to do anything such as play/pause, skip, reverse, shuffle, and repeat songs in any Chrome window. You will also get notification of the song change too.

Features of Google Music Extension :

    * Scrobbling of songs (option to turn on or off)
    * Ability to “love” the song on Last.FM
    * Google thumbs up/down
    * Desktop notifications (toasts) of song changes (option to turn off)
    * Playback controls (Play/Pause, Skip, Reverse, Shuffle, and Repeat) in a button on the browser bar
    * Persistent “miniplayer” in options panel (notifications still happen unless toggled off)
    * Playlist switching (autoplay on switch) in minplayer and popup (browser button) windows

Download Google Music Extension [Chrome]