Tuesday, August 3, 2010

5 Reasons Why Your Desktop Needs a Bluetooth Adapter.

These days, its common place for our laptops to be stuffed to the brim with wireless radios and connectivity. 802.11n, Bluetooth and 3G modems are all there to help us stay connected on the go, but none of these have quite made their way to our desktop machines. Most PC towers are wired anyhow, placed close enough to a router or modem that wireless connectivity isn't required.

Bluetooth, however, is a special case, and there's a few reasons why you might want to equip yourself with a wireless card or adapter on your next desktop machine.

Move Files From Mobile Phones

Most mobile phones rely on Bluetooth for pairing with headsets and other accessory devices, but the protocol is also great for file transfers as well. For those situations where you simply can't, or don't want to plug in your device, Bluetooth is both simple and fast enough to handle small bursts of data, great for beaming over the odd song or two you forgot to sync. And should your internet ever go down, many recent phones offer Bluetooth tethering, should mobile hotspot not be an option.

Wireless Gaming With Console Controllers

Lots of game controllers, like the Nintendo Wiimote and PlayStation 3's DualShock controller, all rely on Bluetooth for their wireless connectivity. While this is great for gaming on your console, you can use that same technology to interface with your PC. We covered the process for each of today's popular controllers a few months back, and it only takes a few minutes to bring that motion-controlled goodness to your desktop PC.

Use Wireless Keyboards and Mice — Especially Apple's

We've talked about the varying styles of wireless mice and keyboards before, but it's quite possible you'll encounter one of the Bluetooth variety sooner or later. Apple's line of keyboards, mice and trackpads are particularly known for this choice of wireless function, so if you're ever looking to use your Mac-friendly input on a PC tower, a Bluetooth dongle or adapter should come in handy (as long as you have the proper Bootcamp drivers).

Remote Control Your Life

We here at Tested are all about making your life just a little easier, and luckily, Bluetooth is just the way to do it. With a bit of software, you can set both your Mac and PC to respond to the proximity of a Bluetooth device, and trigger certain actions when you leave the predetermined zone. Your PC could lock itself when you walk away, or pause active downloads upon your return — what you do is really up to you.

Online Trashtalk With A Cellphone Headset

Sure, they're annoying, and a favorite of suit-clad business folk everywhere, but Bluetooth headsets aren't just for your phone these days. If you haven't yet bought one of those monstrous gaming headsets we reviewed last week, you might be inclined to make due with that cellphone headset you've already got. If that's the case, a Bluetooth adapter could be all you need to get trash talking your opponents over an evening of competitive Minecraft.

If you've decided to purchase a Bluetooth adapter or dongle after all, there's a few things to keep in mind. Websites like Newegg and Tiger Direct have a great selection of Bluetooth devices, but not all are created equal. Tiny, fingernail-sized USB adapters are generally marked as class 2 wireless devices, meaning their effective range is only limited to a few meters — good for mice, keyboards, but not much else. More powerful, class 1 devices, meanwhile, are more conventional wireless dongles with external antennas, and can actually work over ranges up to 100m in length. With that in mind, choose your model accordingly!

And if you're really having reception issues, a wireless hub could be all you need to make that Magic Trackpad truly work like...well, magic.

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